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***Hotel Spa Thermalia

20 avenue Baraduc 63140 Châtel-Guyon
  +33(0)4 73 86 00 11
picto horaire

The restaurant is open evenings from monday to saturday.
07:30pm to 08:30pm
Closed on sundays
Breakfast : 07:00am to 10:00am

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Cure stays

More than water, Châtel-Guyon water is areal medicine. It has direct effects on the body when ingested and indirect effects, through thermal and mechanical action, when used in outpatient care.

Recognized as "The European Intestine Station" for the effectiveness of its waters on digestive pathologies, the station also successfully treats rheumatological conditions.

The resort proposes approved thermal cures or 6-day health prevention cures.

You have the possibility of staying at the hotel or in one of our furnished apartments, whatever the duration of your treatment. We also propose half-board stays. For any reservation, please contact us directly.